Exhibition Tittle: Retro Fit
Date: 26 October - 2 Novemeber 2011
Venue: 1 Utama
ret•ro•fit [v. re-troh-fit, re-troh-fit; n., adj. re-troh-fit] verb, -fit•ted or -fit, -fit•ting, noun, adjective verb (used with object)
1 : to furnish (as a computer, airplane, or building) with new or modified parts or equipment not available or considered necessary at the time of manufacture
2 : to install (new or modified parts or equipment) in something previously manufactured or constructed
3 : to adapt to a new purpose or need : MODIFY
Repurposing items and giving them a new lease in life is the core manifesto for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS). In the recent years there has been an emergence of homegrown designers who are reusing, recycling and retrofitting old items, gadgets and gizmos in the hopes of reducing our dependency on raw materials and the amount of trash that we put out everyday. It is still a fairly new idea in our country, but a good and sound idea that is picking up momentum and garnering many avid followers and practitioners.
This exhibition is to illustrate to the masses how easy it is to save old items and give it a new role with some modifications. The art installations are the works of students from the BA (Hons) Graphic Design programme of Nottingham Trent University, UK, which is franchised to and conducted at School of Design, KBU International College. These chosen artists are some of the brightest and youngest creative minds in our community. They have chosen various items which are usually seen as junk and refurbishing and retrofitting them together to create a brand new item for good use.